nNo, I’m not referring to the movie, excellent though it was. This week’s blog challenge prompt asks whether participants have any odd, useless talents. While others may consider me odd, I don’t think I have any specific talents that could be so described. Useless? That’s another story.
nI’m good with words, specifically written words. For years that talent wasn’t considered odd so much as useless. After learning my major and then my degree (in English), people asked me, “Are you going to teach?” If teaching English (or language arts as it’s now called) wasn’t in my career plan, then the consensus was that my particular talent wasn’t particularly useful.
nI disagree, of course.
nI draw better than most, but certainly not well enough to make a living at it. I’m not particularly artistic. I enjoy music, but have no aptitude for playing an instrument or singing. I have no weird physical ability, like double-jointed flexibility. I consider myself smart, but not within the realms of genius. I can’t claim clairvoyance or other spiritual/metaphysical/psychic ability.
nWhen you think about, I’m pretty darned average.
nSo, rather than gripe about how no one understood me and disparaged me, I’ll just say that, no, I haven’t any odd and useless talents. Actually, I wouldn’t say that I have any odd talents, like juggling or knowing the brand of chocolate by its taste. Useless, however, is a matter of perception.
nIn other news, Bear of the Midnight Sun received another 5-star review. Now that makes my day!n