Week 41 – MFRW 52-week Blog Challenge Participants
n -Sorry, folks, for missing last week’s blog challenge! I even told my publicist on Thursday that I wouldn’t forget. Well, she knows better now than to trust me when I spout nonsense like that.
nAnyway, this week’s blog prompt is about writing rituals and the truth behind them. I assume this is supposed to draw out participating authors’ own writing rituals: what they are, why they do them, and the feelings they get from doing them. That, of course, presumes we have writing rituals.
nI don’t.
nI don’t go through any little processes to get my mind in the groove or attract good fortune before I write. I don’t do anything like that after I finish a manuscript or even when I publish. Perhaps some of the participating authors on this blog hop do. I have no beef with that. If it makes them feel comfortable or inspires them–and doesn’t hurt anyone else in the process–then what they do doesn’t bother me.
nPerhaps the question ought to be do we or not have such rituals and, why so or why not. Unfortunately, I can’t answer that one either.
nEgad, I’m boring. nImadjinn Book Fair (Oct. 11-13)
nAnyway, this week’s blog prompt is about writing rituals and the truth behind them. I assume this is supposed to draw out participating authors’ own writing rituals: what they are, why they do them, and the feelings they get from doing them. That, of course, presumes we have writing rituals.
nI don’t.
nI don’t go through any little processes to get my mind in the groove or attract good fortune before I write. I don’t do anything like that after I finish a manuscript or even when I publish. Perhaps some of the participating authors on this blog hop do. I have no beef with that. If it makes them feel comfortable or inspires them–and doesn’t hurt anyone else in the process–then what they do doesn’t bother me.
nPerhaps the question ought to be do we or not have such rituals and, why so or why not. Unfortunately, I can’t answer that one either.
nEgad, I’m boring. n
Imadjinn Book Fair (Oct. 11-13)
nThis blog is posted on the very day that I’m headed to Louisville, KY for the Imadjinn Book Fair & Expo held in conjunction with the Imaginarium at the Ramada Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, October 11 – 13. I participated in the event back in 2017, and it was a bust. However, I heard that the event has really grown and is something quite special. So, I go with high hopes and every intention of hitting the Jim Beam store. (I’m out of bourbon.)
nEnter the Imaginarium and stop by my table to chat (and maybe buy a book or three). Admission to the event is open and free to the public. There’s plenty of (free) onsite parking. And, if you get hungry, there are some restaurants nearby.