Silver Dagger Book Tours
Enter To Win: $10 either an Amazon gift card or ebooks of Rowan, Cassia, and Willow
n1 Winner Each
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nNearly a century ago, Rowan Nemed died by lightning strike. The divine bolt ignited something magic and she was transformed into something rare, powerful, and fey: sidhe. n |
n“What are you?” he asked, his voice just a little raspy.
n“Tonight I’m your waitress,” I said dispassionately. “Please allow me to pass.”
nHe looked at me, at the dead thug, and back at me. He did not move. Then he raised his hand and ran a finger down my cheek.
n“Pretty,” he said and smiled.
n“Poisonous,” I replied coolly and touched the ornate necklace of linked silver medallions that circled my throat.
nHe sneered, but pulled his hand away. He hadn’t noticed the necklace of linked silver medallions until I pointed it out, which indicated to me that he was very young, very hungry, very stupid, or all three. The way he moved, with his reliance upon speed and stealth, also indicated his recent conversion from human to undead. The inexperienced ones tended to stalk and pursue their prey, using concealment, speed, and ambush techniques—rather like cats, I always thought.
nOddly enough and despite the similarities, I like cats.
nVampires, not so much.
n“You’ll have to lick the pavement if you dither much longer,” I prompted him.
nHe growled, yanked the necklace so that the links shattered, and yowled again as the silver burned him. (Yes, that was another bit of true vampire lore: silver is toxic to vampires; faerie silver even more so.) Faster than I could get away, he grabbed my hair, forcefully tipped my head to expose the vulnerable neck, and bit down. He gulped once, twice, a third time, and then started screaming as the faerie silver of sidhe blood coursed through his body, burning him from the inside. His face began to char at the mouth, beginning with his lips that were yet smeared with my blood, the undead flesh shriveling and sizzling. I sank to my knees and a scrabbling hand found a silver medallion from my necklace. I wiped it against my dirty, bloody skirt and then pressed it against the wounds on my neck. I felt and heard and smelled the sizzle of my own flesh as the silver burned away the poison of a vampire’s saliva. Those three gulps had been long, deep, starving ones and I was weak and unsteady. Yet still I pulled sufficient energy and strength from deep within myself to heal the wounds and leave no scar. Then I sat there, nearly unconscious, for far too long.
nAnd that’s where the police found me.n