You may remember that I served as the fantasy editor for Red Sun Magazine, a 4-color production that featured short stories in the horror, fantasy, and science fiction genres. A paying market, the magazine did not publish stories written by staff, although it did include nonfiction articles contributed by staff. I do mean contributed: we did it for the glory. After receiving some really great buzz from the big dogs in pertinent genre-based organizations like Planetary Defense Command, the magazine closed after its third issue due to lack of funds.
That fate, to no one’s surprise, affects a huge number of start-up magazines. However, the staff rallied and the editor-in-chief refused to call it quits. We’re revving back up–albeit slowly–to get try again. Red Sun Magazine’s Facebook page announced the happy news yesterday. Even better, we have a new website.
Yes, I do mean we.
Editor-in-Chief Ben and new assistant editor Jason, both military veterans, have been working hard to make this happen. Genre editors Phillip, Judith, Ann, and yours truly will soon be contributing blogs and short fiction in our favorite genres to the website. Phillip does horror, Anne and Judith share science fiction, Jason has his eyes on fiction with a military focus and written by military veterans, and I take on fantasy. Our articles will tackle issues relating to our favorite genres, elements of good writing, and what we editors will look for in submitted material. In the meantime, Ben and Jason are working on a Kickstarter campaign to build the funds necessary to produce a printed magazine.
When we’re once again open for business (i.e., accepting submissions), I will definitely announce it here.
We were sad to see the magazine languish, and we’re excited to see it come back to life. It has served as a labor of love and exciting potential. I’m sure the new format will look different than the first three issues, but the quality of the stories and the articles will remain the same. We started off with the intention of publishing only terrific fiction and we’re still dedicated to that. Flash Gordon need not apply.
In other news… there is no news. Daughter of the Deepwood still isn’t finished. One of the hazards of being a “pantser” is that the characters control the story. The author is just along for the ride.
Most people don’t quite understand that. After all, aren’t writers supposed to work from well-developed outlines? Don’t authors know what happens in their own books? Well… not always. This odd way of writing touches upon lucid dreaming, except the author has even less control although the dream world may indeed be truly whacked-out. As a pantser, I begin with a main character or two, a general idea or scene, and the knowledge that the book will end in an HEA. (That’s “happily ever after” for those unfamiliar with the genre’s lingo.) How the characters get there is anybody’s guess.
Don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate clients who provide me with detailed outlines, character descriptions, plot synopses, etc. That’s because, as a ghostwriter, I don’t read minds. I can write to the vision they describe.
So, I apologize for the delay in releasing Daughter of the Deepwood. It will come, but in its own time. In the meantime, check out my other books. The Dragon Wore a Kilt will remain on sale for only $0.99 (e-book) through February 7. The first week of March, I plan on offering Ulfbehrt’s Legacy (e-book) at a discount.
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