The end of an era

Human life is filled with milestones. Some are arbitrary, like turning a certain age significant to our culture. Some are personal and mean little to anyone else, but common enough that others can relate to to them. This week, my family experienced the end of an era....

Self-publishing isn’t DIY

When it comes to self-publishing, many authors entertain the misconception that the term means “do it all yourself.” Actually, what self-publishing means is that the author publishes his or her own work instead of going through a traditional publisher. A...

Arvey Krise, Author

This is my first book to self-publish. It has been a tedious learning process, a template for future publications, so when my editor suggested I hire a professional formatter, I was at a loss. But then she recommended Karen Smith from Henhouse Publishing. I am so...

Why the surprise?

We all remember the hullaballoo in 2020 and 2021 with the wild spread of a novel coronavirus not so affectionately called COVID-19. Shutdowns, shelter-in-place, mask mandates, social distancing: they began with exhortations to comply to “flatten the...