Self-publishing isn’t DIY

When it comes to self-publishing, many authors entertain the misconception that the term means “do it all yourself.” Actually, what self-publishing means is that the author publishes his or her own work instead of going through a traditional publisher. A...

Why the surprise?

We all remember the hullaballoo in 2020 and 2021 with the wild spread of a novel coronavirus not so affectionately called COVID-19. Shutdowns, shelter-in-place, mask mandates, social distancing: they began with exhortations to comply to “flatten the...

Calculating the value of professional editing

It’s rather astonishing how often I come across people who think self-publishing equates to doing everything oneself. They’re often surprised when I correct them: self-publishing isn’t DIY. When an author’s manuscript is accepted by a...

Procrastination and chores

We all have chores we loathe doing. I hate washing dishes. Yes, we have a dishwasher, but it doesn’t do a good job. I’ve never met one such machine that did. Nearly half of everything that goes into the dishwasher has to be washed again. I generally...

A little more rope …

I came across a post in a Facebook freelancing group. The person posted that he was seeking an editor. I responded with my usual direct message along the lines of: “I have over 30 years of professional editing experience and would be happy to discuss your...

An exercise in patience and perseverance

Lately, I have spoken with a handful of people about writing and editing for them. Two represent companies rather than individual authors. It’s interesting that these diverse parties have similar requests. When it comes to completing and submitting applications,...