First, learn the basics

Over the past week, I’ve encountered several posts in various groups by people asking how to start writing their books. They range from “How to I write a novel?” to “I don’t know what to write; can you help me?”The flippant answer...

Hiring the right people

When it comes to publishing, especially for authors who self-publish, it’s important to hire the right people for the right tasks. Sure, you can do it all yourself, but is that really smart?I have likened publishing to construction. A general contractor hires...

The things that pop up in my news feed

I’m not much for social media. I cross-post from LinkedIn to Twitter and Facebook. I’m active on Facebook. I don’t do TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or any of the myriad other social platforms. There are simply too many, and I have too few hours in the...

Eyes wide open

What’s old is new again. That pertains to just about everything. So, when it comes to a subject near and dear to my heart, I consider myself somewhat of an expert. Therefore, allow me to throw a few lessons learned at you if you’re someone contemplating on...

Business as usual … or not

I took a break, as often happens, from the current work-in-progress (WIP) because I wrote my protagonist into a corner and needed to ponder how I’d get him out of that predicament without erasing and rewriting a substantial portion of the manuscript. I think...

Readers’ pet peeves

It’s true that no matter what you write, someone won’t like it. This is one reason why we have genres: readers will more likely find what they enjoy than what they don’t.Readers everywhere, regardless of genre preferences, have pet peeves. These can...