Unintended consequences

We use the phrase “unintended consequences” to refer to the usually negative and deleterious ramfications of decisions or actions. These consequences may surprise us, although the application of common sense suggests that we should have known better. I...

The lull

I finished writing the latest manuscript two weeks ago, and it’s in the editor’s hands. While she works her magic, I’m taking a break from writing. I’ve learned to do that: take breaks. Hopping from one manuscript to the next in fast succession...

The easy part’s done; now editing begins

On Wednesday, April 26, I finished the latest work-in-progress, a fantasy romance (more fantasy than romance with this one) clocking in at 93,561 words. This manuscript took me four months to draft. I do mean “draft.” For those new to the whole...

Report from the Missing Falls Brewery Spring Bazaar

Festival season in Ohio has begun. Ohio has the good fortune to be saturated with fairs, festivals, and other events throughout the year, but spring is when things really start rockin’. I participated in my first event, the Jackson City Book Fair, in late March....

Tracking progress

Over the weekend I cracked 70,000 words on the latest work-in-progress which will be the fifth book in my Twin Moons Saga, Champion of the Twin Moons. I anticipate the book to hit approximately 90,000 words.To coordinate with my marketing team’s efforts, that...