The source of creativity

Every so often, I come across a post asking what to do about writer’s block. Writer’s block is an inability to write; it does not refer to having written your character into a corner. I don’t believe in writer’s block. I do, however, understand...

Common questions

Over the years, I have partipipated in several online writers’ groups. Some are general, targeted to writers of fiction and nonfiction of any genre; others focus on novice writers or publishing or specific genres. I no longer participate in some and continue to...

Convention season begins

My first event of 2023 was the Apple City Book Fair in Jackson, OH. The event was hosted by Monday Creek Book Publishing (Nelsonville, OH) and the Jackson City Library (Jackson, OH).When I worked in association management, spring was the beginning of “convention...

First, learn the basics

Over the past week, I’ve encountered several posts in various groups by people asking how to start writing their books. They range from “How to I write a novel?” to “I don’t know what to write; can you help me?”The flippant answer...

Hiring the right people

When it comes to publishing, especially for authors who self-publish, it’s important to hire the right people for the right tasks. Sure, you can do it all yourself, but is that really smart?I have likened publishing to construction. A general contractor hires...

The things that pop up in my news feed

I’m not much for social media. I cross-post from LinkedIn to Twitter and Facebook. I’m active on Facebook. I don’t do TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or any of the myriad other social platforms. There are simply too many, and I have too few hours in the...