Better late than never: Progress report

Although client work has been light this week, I’ve been working hard on the next book due for publication: Russian Revival. It’s in my editor’s hands now. I look forward to seeing what she does with the manuscript, because her insights and comments...

Headed down the homestretch

After finishing Knight of the Twin Moons (book #4 in the Twin Moons Saga), I started three new manuscripts:A sequel to Triple Burn.A fifth book in the Twin Moons Saga.A fifth book in the Russian Love series.I’ve only got one chapter—maybe two—to go on the third...

A few observations

There’s nothing scientific about my observations and the conclusions I draw, but I’ve come to rely on these insights to inform decisions about which events work best for registering as a vendor.My books (and paintings) do best with an eclectic crowd....

It’s not just the profit

Sales. Revenue. Profit. These terms make the world go ’round, because business cannot sustain itself without them. Because of that, currency is the simplest and typically the only metric used to determine success. When it comes to participating in events,...

Niche expertise

Career gurus advise freelancers to “niche down” and specialize, because there’s big money in specialization. If you don’t believe me, then take a look at salaries of healthcare specialists like plastic surgeons to generalists like primary care...

Falling short of expectations

Photo by Piotr Miazga on Unsplash. Last night I cooked dinner, chicken soup made from the leftover chicken from Sunday night’s supper. Chicken soup isn’t difficult; I’ve made it many times. This time I decided to try something a bit different.I...