Sssh, Don’t tell.

You’ll find every trope known to humankind within the romance genre, but there’s one that never fails to make my teeth itch. In the multitude of book promos that populate my social media feed, the trope of the female main character harboring secrets reigns...

Oh, the irony!

I saw a post on LinkedIn that tossed about the term “toxic masculinity,” and it got me to thinking. First, what is toxic masculinity? Verywell Mind says this about it: Many definitions of toxic masculinity appear in research as well as pop culture. Toxic...

False economies

Self-publishing has earned and continues to uphold its reputation for substandard books. This, unfortunately, arises from authors practicing false economies. In traditional publishing (the model in which publishing companies pay authors to publish their books), the...
An exciting Christmas!

An exciting Christmas!

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men / Gang aft agley.” – Robert Burns We had plans for Christmas, but the grand appearance of our first grandchild disrupted them. We’re not upset at that by any means. In fact, little Evelyn Grace was born...

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is the reason for the season, or so they say. A bit a research into the history of the holiday season gets interesting, especially when you consider how much of the old pagan traditions were adopted by Christianity and integrated into the holidays we...

Tired tropes

I went shopping recently. At this time of year, gift shopping isn’t unusual; however, I was shopping for a birthday present. My son’s fiancee has a December birthday, so we wanted to ensure she was able to celebrate both her birthday and Christmas...