Campaign madness

Campaign madness

I generally don’t write on political topics—not because I don’t have opinions, but because no blog or meme or post anywhere is going to change anyone’s political opinion. Last week during my regular morning perusal of LinkedIn, one of the many...
Using both sides of my brain

Using both sides of my brain

Math and the humanities don’t necessarily go hand in hand, but many potential clients seem to assume a writer can’t perform simple math. I recently came across a solicitation from Above Story, an outfit that hires writer to produce fiction series. They...
Changing expectations

Changing expectations

When my best friend and I attend events as vendors, we often find ourselves criticizing our failure to predict human behavior. At first we were, perhaps, too enthusiastic and hopeful. When a potential customer said he or she would return later, hope surged. We soon...
Beat that deadline!

Beat that deadline!

Every industry has deadlines; some are more flexible than others. For a freelancer, deadlines are sacred. If you guarantee delivery by a certain time and/or date, then you’d better do whatever it takes to meet that deadline. Your reputation depends on it. How do...
Heat, Humidity, and No Service

Heat, Humidity, and No Service

The week beginning Monday, June 17, was hot and humid. Temperatures cracked 90 degrees Fahrenheit; humidity exceeded 70 percent every single day. Although I realize correlation is not causation, I do believe the sweltering weather had something to do with the short...
What the heart wants

What the heart wants

On May 29, my Facebook feed brought up photos of a lovely black Morgan mare that looked nearly identical to my lovely Lady Anastasia who had passed away in 2020 at the ripe old age of 35. My heart lusted after that horse, but the horse was scheduled to be auctioned...