Content Writing
You need content.
Let us write it.
“I just wanted to say thanks and congratulations for making us appear far more polished than we really are!”That was a pleasure to read and the wordcraft involved made [the newsletter] an easy–and enticing—flow. I am betting our members will find similarly. Thank you for both your skills and the time you have devoted to upholding our professionalism.”
Greg Laux, Marketing CommitteeWallcovering Installers Association
Your professional image depends upon the quality of the content that represents your business: blogs, articles, newsletters, brochures, proposals, and more. Rely upon Hen House Publishing to craft strong, engaging content that showcases your qualifications and credentials, clearly conveys your information, persuades potential clients to choose your business, and tells your story.
Do you have a great story idea, but not the time, inclination, or ability to bring it to life? Hen House Publishing has you covered. Our credentials include short stories to full-length novels spanning diverse genres: romance, fantasy, science fiction, historical drama, mystery, YA, etc. Master storytelling engages, excites, thrills, arouses, and entertains. Doesn’t your story deserve that?
Hen House Publishing offers soup-to-nuts writing. Every bid includes topic research as needed, writing the rough draft, one round of revision, and formatting the document per your page specifications for delivery.
How much?
- Fiction
- $65 per hour for preliminary organization and structural development
- $0.10 per word, including up to three rounds of revision
- $0.25 per word, including unlimited rounds of revision
- Nonfiction
- $0.25 per word, including topic research and up to three rounds of revision
- $0.50 per word, including topic research, up to three SME interviews, and up to three rounds of revision
- $1.00 per word, including topic research, up to six SME interviews, and up to three rounds of revision
- $0.15 per word for rewriting, including one round of revision. Rewriting does not include research
- Typing – If you simply need typing, I will be happy to do that, too.
- $15 per page (no editing) (average 350 per page)
- $25 per page, including one round of editing (average 350 words per page)
If you’re ready to hire a ghostwriter, then click on the button at left to complete a questionnaire that will help Hen House Publishing determine the scope of service for your project and deliver a quote.
Content Writing Examples
Content Writing Portfolio
Ghostwriting: Articles, Blogs & More
- LinkedIn posts for Sutherland & Associates, Inc.
- Paula Howard Essentials Blog
- “10 Tips for First-Time Business Visitors to Asia” and “5 Tips for Successful Business Expansion to Asia” for Clark & Kent
- “The True Cost of Bad CRM Data” for MedQor
- Poison Ivy Patrol
- Blog for TransitionHer Consulting + Coaching, formerly Heggen Group (2016 – 2018)
- STO Responsible Case Study for Creative Mechanisms
- Zawadee Blog
- Mother-Works Blog
- “Author: The Ultimate World-at-Home Career” Part I, Part II, and Part III
- “Know Your Worth and Get It: Negotiate Your Salary“
- “How Do I Look?: Interview Attire“
- “Job Networking: Whom You Know“
- “The Art of the Cover Letter“
- “Are You Considering a Midlife Career Change?“
- “Freelancing: What’s the Going Rate?“
- “A Positive Way to Approach Startup Cash Flow Downturn“
- “Tips for Summer Storage: Denver Fur & Leather Coats“
- “How to Use Automation to Improve Your Accounting Processes“
- “6 Tips for Curb Appeal” and “The Perfect Paint Job” for Ask Amy Staging
- Altitude Dispensary
- American Arbor Care
- “Denver Tree Pros Recommend Borer Treatments Now“
- “Denver Tree Services Recommend You Treat Ips Beetles Now“
- “Just Add Water: A Good Spring Start for Denver Landscaping“
- “Denver Tree Service: Learn the Differences Between Lilac Ash Borer and Emerald Ash Borer“
- “Have You Started Your Watering Routine? Keep Fruit Trees Healthy with Denver Tree Experts’ Advice“
- “4 Ways to Find Financing for Your Dream Home“
- Big Creek Roofing & Restoration
- “Will Niche SVOD Services Even Stand a Chance?“
- “How SVOD Services Use Data to Make Decisions“
Ghostwriting: Books
- The Bounty: Jones and The Bounty: Gerlaugh commissioned by 0-0-8 Studios
- Dharma by CAoistClpWLn
- Look Me in the Eyes screenplay-to-novel adaptation for Christa Cusack O’Neill
- Riding Lessons: Policool Ranch Series Book 1 by Dawn Coyote
- House Secrets by Perry Freeman
- Book of Thomas and Red Sky Country screenplay-to-novel adaptations for Johnny B. Dunn
- Birth of A Superhero by Michele Nold
- The Wall: Guardian’s Redemption by Leo Bernard
- Black of Heart by Rachel Powers
- Girl’s Guide: Fashion on a Budget by Karen Smith (for Eldorado Ink)
- How to Start Your Home-Based Income Tax Business by Ana Diaz
Books, Newletters & More Under My Byline
- “Will Vinpocetine Make You Smarter?,” “Ghostly Expectations,” “The Decline of Romance,” “Suicide: The Taboo Conversation” published by Medium
- “Romance for Dummies” published by OltoBooks
- “I Have 7 Cats — These Are the Cat Litters I Use” published by Hearst Newspapers
- “My Son Took His Own Life; It Was Lockdown that Got Him” published by Newsweek
- “When to Give Your AMC the Boot” in Blog
- “Rectifying a Bad Design Trend: How to Survive in an Open Office Plan” in Ivy Exec Blog
- “‘I’m a Writer’ Is Just the Beginning” in Pam’s Wild Rose Blog
- World Library Foundation Newsletter (all issues 2017 – 2019)
- The Hopper: Newsletter of the North American Power Sweeping Association (2017 – 2022)
- The Installer: Newsletter of the Wallcovering Installers Association (2018 – 2022)
- InterActions: Newsletter of SAVE International (2004 – 2015)
- “50 Shades of Gray on the Moral Spectrum” and “Is Fantasy Hocus without Pocus?” in Red Sun Magazine
- “Underemployment: A Middle-Aged Perspective” in The Underemployed Life Blog
- “Monster Romance” and “Those Devilish Details” in Your Secret Library
- “Love at First Sight” in I Love Romance Blog
- “A Modern-Day Vampire“
- “SEO Tips for Authors” in New Apps Agency Blog
- “Girls Can’t Do That” in Defiant Scribe
- “When Romance Perturbs” in Imprint Digital Blog
Is your content as good as it could be? Good writing is good writing, regardless of genre or application. Rely on Hen House Publishing’s deep understanding of English language conventions to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, and sentence structure. We’ll strengthen weak writing, tighten flabby prose, and clarify awkward phrases. We’ll identify plot holes (fiction), inconsistencies, discrepancies, tautologies, and other flaws for remediation. We’ll suggest improvements where appropriate to enhance readers’ engagement and comprehension. All corrections, comments, and suggestions will be clearly shown on the returned files via in-line changes and margin comments.
How much? Editing rates vary widely. For budgeting purposes, review the average rates published by the Editorial Freelancers Association. Hen House Publishing’s standard editing rates are:
- Initial deep edit: $0.03 per word
- Edit of the revised document: $0.02 per word
- Final proofreading: $0.01 per word
Click on the button at right to go to a short questionnaire that will help Hen House Publishing determine the scope of your project and deliver a quote for service.
Content Editing
You have content.
Let’s make it better.
“Your edits and comments are tremendously beneficial, and I really appreciate the work you have done so far. Exactly what I was looking for!”
Tim Windhof, Executive Career Coach & Triple Certified Resume WriterWindhof Communications – Career Services
Content Editing Examples
Content Editing Portfolio
Books, Short Stories, Magazines, and More
- Walking with God: The Transforming Power of Faith in the Aftermath of Trauma by Ellen M. Corcella
- Two Saints: John Paul II and Mother Teresa in Vancouver by Paul Novecosky with Interludes by Agnieszka Ruck
- The Shadow of Everest by Frederick G. Yeager
- This Is Art by Kevin Brocker
- Tarot for Beginners and A House with Very Bad Bones by Teri Schure
- Miscellaneous marketing collateral (blogs, social media posts, videos, graphic designs) for My Marketing Pass clients
- Born to Receive, Empowered to Pour: The Body of Christ Needs YOU! by Kim Gilson
- Evicting Nagatha by Arvey Krise
- Emotional Selection: How Your Dreams Evolve Your Mind by Richard Coutts
- The 100 Year Education: How a Long-Term View Can Radically Change Your Family and The 100 Year Savings Solution by Teresa Kuhn & Rick Sapio
- Once in a Blu’s Moon by Stephanie Malcom
- a)plan coaching blog
- The Lady and the Stubborn Rancher by Arla Jones
- My Maine Symbols and My Flag Quest by David Blomstrom
- EVolution: Rose and Vera Save Mother Earth by Ermine Cunningham
- Shadow of Everest by Fred Yeager
- Black Dawn: Rise of Power by J. G. Ruf
- From Shattered to Soaring: How I Transformed Anxiety, Panic, and Depression To Uncover Greatness – And You Can Too by Craig Evans
- Chromosome Cowgirls by Joshua Witmyer
- Lead Me Where the Light Is by N. Galilea
- Value Scout blog
- Windhof Career Services executive resumes, biographies, cover letters, etc.
- Executive Career Coach Institute course materials
- The American Reality: Being a Black Alien in the White Man’s World: A Memoir by Shaka Bello
- Concrete Chronicles Vol. 1 and Concrete Chronicles Vol. 2 by Dominic Brogsdale
- ECCI Certification Course Workbook by the Executive Career Coaching Institute, LLC
- Dearly Departed, God Bless the Block by Marshay Crowley
- NFL: Not For Long by Damond Smith
- “Don’t Be Afraid,” “Stars Never Die Part I: A Movie to Die For, “Sex, Violence, Mars: The Landing,” “Sex, Violence, Mars: The Ballad of Left and Right” by Walrus (pseudonym)
- Blog articles for Rozou & Associates Law Firm
- Blog articles for Proficio Partners, LLC
- Rise of the Mandroids: Infinity Book 2 and The World of Darkness: Infinity Book 3 by Tejas Mathai
- “Don’t Be Afraid” by Joshua Witmeyer and Clint Wessinger
- “Evil on Top of Evil: Part I” and “Evil on Top of Evil: Part II” by Dominic Brogsdale
- It Just Takes Time by Donna Johnson
- Haute Living San Francisco, all articles from Jul/Aug 2019 to present.
- Hawaii on Fire by Eileen Choquette
- Singing the Gospel: Managing Music Ministry in the Black Church by Dr. James C. Gear
- Upwards: Maximize Life with Positivity, Passion, and Purpose by Aaron Hunnel
- The Angel Motel by Diane Sokolowski
- Don’t Be a Wife to a Boyfriend by Shonda B. White
- Works by Author Russ Towne (multiple books, including westerns, children’s literature, and thrillers)
- The Beautiful Word Solution and Divine Entrainment by Kathryn Gaertner
- The Mental Patient by C. P. DeSavary
- The Water Book by M. E. Girouard
- Black Magic Gang: Jack the Ripper Case Reopened by Ray Saunders
- Have You Watered Your Garden Today? by Ashley Marchelle
- The Donkey (English Translation) by Jesus Tobias
- Legend of the Unicorn by Sybrina Durrant
- Making Love: 6 Steps to a Better Sex Life by Ingunn Tennbakk
- Jerry Quarry Died for Our Sins by Al Walentis
- Be Ready for GDPR by Punit Bhatia
- The Broadcast and The Newton Code by Liam Fialkov
- The Secrets in Forever by CT Jackson & Terrence Trafton
- The Magical Meniscus by Randy Lee White
Your content is good?
Let us make it look good, too.
This is my first book to self-publish. It has been a tedious learning process, a template for future publications, so when my editor suggested I hire a professional formatter, I was at a loss. But then she recommended Karen Smith from Henhouse Publishing. I am so happy she did. Karen picked up her phone herself, the first time I called, and patiently answered all of my questions. She is amazing. A seasoned professional who immediately made me feel at ease. If you’ve slaved over writing a book, you understand that it is your baby, a product of the proverbial blood, sweat, and tears, and you are the protective mama. Karen treated my book with respect. When she recommended that I get a professional proofreader, I questioned it. But based on her many impressive years of experience I took her advice. A brilliant suggestion … but one that required Karen to reformat the manuscript to include the corrections. Corrections of errors that would have gone to press without Karen. She did a wonderful job and is my go-to for future books. Thank you Karen!
Arvey Krise, Author
Hen House Publishing offers professional document formatting using Adobe InDesign, the industry standard for document design. We’ll accommodate your document specifications, from margins and leading to placement of graphics. We’ll insert high-resolution pictures that you provide to illustrate the content and add deeper meaning, clarification, and interest.
If you want your brochure, report, proposal, business plan, or book to look professional, then you need professional formatting. Formatting rates include up to three rounds of revision.
How much for book formatting?
- Fewer than 100 pages: $150 (includes placement of one graphic)
- 100 – 250 pages: $250 (includes placement of one graphic)
- Longer 250 pages: $500 (includes placement of one graphic)
- $5 per graphic after the first
Newsletter* formatting begins at $50 per page. This rate includes:
- Designing the newsletter template or using your template
- Sourcing royalty-free stock images to accompany articles
- Up to three revisions
- Delivery of a press-quality PDF for print.
Click on the button at left to answer a few questions to determine the scope of service and receive a quote.
* Includes newsletter distributed in PDF format or for print only.
Page Design Examples
Page Design Portfolio
Books, Newletters & More
- Becoming God’s Masterpiece: Live the Life You Were Created For by Brent Phillips
- The Beautiful Word Solution and Divine Entrainment by Kathryn Gaertner
- How I Made $50K in 3 Months with My Home-Based Tax Business by Ana Diaz
- The Hopper, member newsletter published by the North American Power Sweeping Association
- World Library Foundation Newsletter published by the World Library Foundation
- Desperate Journeys: Five Suspenseful, Action-Packed Stories and At the Jagged Edge of Shadows: 2 Stories that Take You Where Hopes, Dreams, and Fears Collide, Western Justice, and The One That Got Away by Russ Towne
- Six Shots Each Gun by Russ Towne & Holly Bargo
- Concrete Chronicles Vol. 1 and Concrete Chronicles Vol. 2 by Dominic Brogsdale
- Dearly Departed, God Bless the Block by Marshay Crowley
- NFL: Not For Long by Damond Smith
- ECCI Certification Course Workbook by the Executive Career Coaching Institute, LLC
- The American Reality: Being a Black Alien in the White Man’s World: A Memoir by Shaka Bello
- Choosing Judaism and At-Home Behavior Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Research-Based Strategies to Ensure Your Child’s Academic Success in the “New Normal” Without Yelling, Punishing, or Pulling Your Hair Out by Bradley Caro Cook
- Evicting Nagatha by Arvey Krise
- The 100 Year Education: How a Long-Term View Can Radically Change Your Family and The 100 Year Savings Solution by Teresa Kuhn & Rick Sapio
- Carpenter Road: Sentenced to Silence by Morgan Scafe
- Born to Receive, Empowered to Pour: The Body of Christ Needs YOU! by Kim Gilson
- Don’t Look Down: A Biographical Essay About Stooges Guitarist and Tech Executive James R. Williamson by James Y. Williamson
- The Shadow of Everest by Frederick G. Yeager
Manuscript Critique
Have your story?
We can suggest improvements.
As a first-time author, I cannot recommend Karen’s services highly enough. She is professional, dependable, and committed to making your project the best it can be. She did a critique of my work, the editing, and the formatting. Karen was the thought partner I needed. She did more than just correct spelling and grammar. She provided invaluable insight to my Christian non-fiction book that greatly improved the clarity of the ideas I was presenting. I look forward to working with her on my future projects!
Kimberly Gilson, Author
This is developmental editing. This is where a critique comes in.
An objective review of your manuscript identifies the flaws in your manuscript with regard to character development, plot holes, anachronisms, and other errors that pull the reader from the narrative. A critique will also note those especially masterful passages, so you know what you did well. The critique will suggest general improvements to enhance the quality of your manuscript.
Each review includes an overall review plus a point-by-point critique.
How much?
- $0.005 per word.
Manuscript Critique Examples
Manuscript Critique Portfolio
- A Life Chosen and A Life Betrayed (Montreal Series Books 1 & 2) by Sydney Rutherford
- The Newton Code by Liam Fialkov
- Spirit of a Rising Sun by Kyle Galindez
- Infinity: Secret of the Diamonds by Tejas Mathai
- Pioneers: The Story of the Oswego County’s Search and Rescue Team by Jim Farfaglia
- What If the United States of America Executive Branch Was the Only Governing Authority of the USA: Executive Branch and State Rights by Nathaniel Rainey
- The Hunter: Will You Be Next? by Stephanie Colbert

Assisted Publishing
We’ll handle it, all of it.
Hen House Publishing will edit your manuscript, format it for both print and e-book upload, and then publish the book through Kindle Direct Publishing for you. Each package includes three rounds of editing, formatting with placement of one graphic, and KDP publishing upload. You can choose to be responsible for cover design or outsource it to a graphic designer with whom we’ll be happy to coordinate.
The beauty of assisted publishing with Hen House Publishing is that the book is tied directly to your Amazon account, so Amazon will pay all royalties directly to you.
- Up to 25,000 words: $1,750
- 25,000 – 50,000 words: $3,350
- 50,000 – 100,000 words: $6,600
- Over 100,000 words: call for estimate.
Do you still have questions?
Call (937) 964-5592 during business hours Eastern Time or send a message to