Tired tropes

Tired tropes

I went shopping recently. At this time of year, gift shopping isn’t unusual; however, I was shopping for a birthday present. My son’s fiancee has a December birthday, so we wanted to ensure she was able to celebrate both her birthday and Christmas...
A matter of perception

A matter of perception

It’s said that eye witnesses make the worst witnesses in a court of law. This underscores the fact that human perception is notoriously inaccurate. What we think to be the empirical evidence of our senses deceives us. Case in point: the Clifton Gorge Arts &...

Let’s be reasonable

I found the above solicitation on freelancer.com. This is, unfortunately, not an unusual solicitation for ghostwriting services. To those who may be new to my blog or to ghostwriting, let’s do the math and break this project down. The rate is $1 per 2,000 words...
I have a dream.

I have a dream.

No, this is not a belated post lauding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., although his accomplishments certain deserve recognition and celebration. This post is about me, you, and everyone else. Each of us has a dream. Most of us entertain multiple dreams at the same time....
Popular romance tropes

Popular romance tropes

It’s said there are only a finite number of story plots or archetypes, so there’s nothing really new under the sun when it comes to literature. In genre fiction like romance, readers find the same themes or tropes repeated ad nauseum. A good writer can...