Marketing: A Sustained Effort

Marketing: A Sustained Effort

It’s a truism that you must spend money to make money, although a lot of people substitute skill and effort for money. It’s been my experience that if you need skill, effort, and money to successfully market any product, and a reduction of any of those is...
The publishing process

The publishing process

Yes, Virginia, there is a process to publishing. Whether you pursue traditional publishing or self-publish the process begins with the same first two steps: Write the story. That’s self-explanatory. If you don’t write the story, there’s nothing to...
Popular romance tropes

Popular romance tropes

It’s said there are only a finite number of story plots or archetypes, so there’s nothing really new under the sun when it comes to literature. In genre fiction like romance, readers find the same themes or tropes repeated ad nauseum. A good writer can...
It ain’t a mystery

It ain’t a mystery

I enjoy cozy mysteries, especially if they have cats as main characters. The Crazy, VA (Lil & Boris) series by Shannon Hill is a great example. Over the past week, I started reading two new mystery series. The first takes place in the Roaring Twenties. I enjoyed...

The responsibilities of self-publishing

The decision whether to pursue traditional publishing or to self-publish is personal. Traditional publishing holds greater clout and respectability than self-publishing. The proliferation of low quality, AI-generated books further degrades what respect self-publishing...